
Bol Partner vs. Bol Retail: which choice best suits your brand?

Written by Thijs Verhoef | Feb 24, 2025 7:22:37 PM

The Bol Partner model (3P) means that you yourself are an external seller on, while Bol Retail (1P) means that buys your products and then resells them. Both models offer advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will help you make the right choice.

Trend in sales growth: Bol Partner vs. Bol Retail

In recent years, Bol Partner sales seemed to structurally grow faster than Bol Retail, partly due to Bol's strong focus on attracting and supporting external sellers. Yet this trend broke once in 2024: Bol Retail grew faster, partly because a number of low-value sellers left the platform. Instead, this created opportunities for quality brands that want to collaborate through the partner model. Although the total number of partners declined, trade volume continues to grow and there is less competition, allowing strong brands to enter in a relatively favorable position. Bol also continues to invest heavily in partner solutions such as advertising services and logistical support, further adding to the popularity of the 3P model.

Advantages and disadvantages of Bol Retail (1P)


  • Bol buys in bulk: You don't have to manage inventory yourself towards individual customers; takes care of purchasing and distribution.
  • No extra process adjustments: As a B2B organization, you can often supply directly to Bol without having to thoroughly change your processes.
  • Broad reach: You benefit from's brand awareness and marketing power.


  • No control over price and promotions: Bol sets the selling price, which can clash with your own pricing strategy.
  • Limited assortment control: Bol selects which products are purchased, giving you less freedom in what is sold.
  • Less brand control: You have less influence on how your brand is presented or marketed through

Advantages and disadvantages of Bol Partner (3P)


  • Full control over price and promotions: You determine the selling price yourself and can respond faster to market changes.
  • Own assortment determination: You choose which products to sell, without depending on purchasing decisions of
  • Brand presentation: You have more control over how your brand and products are presented, both in text and images.
  • Direct contact with the customer: You can handle customer questions and complaints, allowing you to achieve higher customer satisfaction.


  • Additional efforts and processes: You are responsible for inventory management, logistics and customer service yourself (unless you use Bol's logistics services).
  • Competition on the platform: Other third-party sellers may offer the same or similar products, which can lead to price pressure.
  • Dependent on platform rules: You have to comply with's guidelines and have less freedom than in your own webshop.

Hybrid model: runners through Bol Retail, long tail through Bol Partner


  • Best of both worlds: Sell your runners via Bol Retail (1P) for stable purchase and bulk buying, while you have full control over your long tail products via Bol Partner (3P).
  • Control where needed: For your key branded items, you can keep more control over price and presentation (3P), while popular products via 1P get to consumers quickly and smoothly.
  • Strategic freedom: Using both models side by side gives you more flexibility to respond to market trends, seasonal peaks and promotions.

Wondering which model best suits your brand? Feel free to contact us and find out how to get the most out of