Brandsom Apr 25, 2022 10:48:06 AM 12 min read

Amazon Post: social media as a marketplace tool

Amazon Posts: social media as a marketplace tool

Selling on Amazon is becoming increasingly more creative with the addition of A+ content and Amazon Brand story. Amazon has even gone a step further and introduced Amazon Posts.

With the implementation of Amazon Posts you are now able to share pictures of your product in a similar way as on Social Media.The combination of social media functions on a marketplace platform is a new development in the e-commerce market. Though, what makes online posting on Amazon actually worthful?
As Brandsom assists brands with successfully selling products through marketplaces. The posting tool on Amazon might play a big role in this. We dug deeper into it and in this blog post.

What does posting on Amazon mean?

Scrolling through Amazon Posts is very reminiscent of Pinterest or Instagram. Brand accounts share high-profile images with a description and a few hashtags. If you do it right, this immediately gives an enormous boost to the findability of your product.
If a potential customer searches by brand or product category, they will immediately see your post. Especially, in your brand feed: all your Amazon Posts are listed there. On the other website pages, Amazon's algorithm determines your visibility.
Just like Instagram Ads or Pinterest ads, your Amazon Post refers to the detail page of your product. And good to know: Amazon Posts is completely free! However, the tool is still in the beta phase. This means that additional functions will be added soon.

Amazon Posts has several advantages

Besides being free, Amazon Posts has several important advantages. Here are a few.

  • A direct link to your product
    The biggest difference between social media and Amazon Posts is the ease with which the site visitor arrives at the purchase page. It is just a simple click to another page on the same website. This is handy because Amazon visitors are already looking for a product anyway. The willingness to buy is, therefore, higher than with visitors from social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or TikTok.
  • Show who you are
    With Amazon Posts, you don't just put your product in the spotlight. You show what your brand stands for. This new tool from Amazon offers unique opportunities to visualize your identity. Also to buyers who do not yet know the brand well.
  • Informing about your product
    What exactly is your product? What does it offer customers, how does it work and why should people buy it? You communicate this with a photo or video in Amazon Posts. You attract attention, but also link directly to the product details.
  • Attract attention more easily
    With the right image, you can easily attract the attention of your ideal target group. It is a free ad. If you know how the Amazon algorithm works, you will benefit from this. Please feel free to contact Brandsom if we can advise you on this.
  • Your product in action
    Show your product in a realistic environment or even in motion! With the right photo or video, the new client immediately sees the design, quality, and operation of your product. Estimating, for example, the size, function, or colour of a product is difficult with just a simple product photo. With Amazon Posts you can easily show your product in its natural environment; either posed or in motion.
  • Make offers visible
    Normally advertisements cost a lot of money. Promoting special offers is therefore becoming less attractive. Now, posting on Amazon is not the same as advertising, but it has the same effect. For example, post an image offering a 10% discount. This will quickly reach the right customer.

Amazon Post posted, now what?

It's great to post on Amazon, but where do your posts end up? As few brands are still using this feature, you will quickly become visible to customers. If they find you interesting, they can follow you.
Amazon Posts are visible on different pages. Amazon's algorithm determines which site visitors see it and where. This is for example in the following places:

  • Amazon Brand Feed
    All your posts are collected in your brand feed. Customers will find information about your brand there, but also about all the products in your Amazon Posts. This is also where they can follow you. A bit like Instagram.
  • Carousel on the product page
    The best thing about Amazon Posts is that they make existing customers stay and attract new ones. Buyers of a certain product see a carousel with 'related posts' at the bottom of the product page. So they immediately see products that they also find interesting.
    Does a potential customer click on your post in a product page carousel? Then they will be directed to your Brand Feed first. So they not only see the product they click on, but also the rest of your Amazon Posts.
  • Posts feed by category
    Often site visitors are looking for a certain type of product, but don't know exactly which one or from which brand. That is why they often use categories. They will soon see the Amazon Posts in the category section as well.


Brandson Blog - Amazon posts (carrousel) [EN]

How it works

Do you want to start posting on Amazon? Actually it is quite simple. However, it is only possible if you have a registered brand with an active Amazon store. Read below how to get started with Amazon Posts.

1. Sign in with your Amazon business account at
2. You will be taken to the 'Welcome to Posts' page. Click on "get started".
3. Do you have multiple brands on Amazon using the same account? Then you might need to choose a brand that you want to promote with Amazon Posts.
4. Successful? Time to upload your profile name and company logo! If you then click on "submit and continue", your Amazon Posts profile is complete.
5. That's all there is to it. Now you can start posting. Click on 'create post' and immediately add an image. With a short description and up to 10 product ASINs, your first post is complete.

(An ASIN is an Amazon Standard Identification Number. The code consists of ten characters and identifies products for sale on Amazon).

Be sure to check the Creative Acceptance Policy for Posts beforehand. That way, you can be sure that all your visual content complies with the marketplace guidelines. Still can't figure it out? Brandsom is happy to help you. Feel free to call us at +31 (0) 3 02 27 05 20 or send an email to

Bonus tip: follow statistics of your posts
If you start with posting content through Amazon Posts, you want to know what does and does not appeal to your customers. Via you can view all your statistics, such as the number of followers, product clicks and visible impressions, but also your reach and engagement percentages.

Get in touch with Jurriaan

Our Amazon specialist Jurriaan is ready to answer all your questions. Fill out the form and let Jurriaan contact you to discuss what Brandsom can do for you!

Or call us directly at +31(0)30 227 05 20.

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